Savvy Book – The Women at Hitler’s Table

‘The Women at Hitler’s Table’, by Rosella Postorino. Received this beauty of a read for Christmas, courtesy of myself, as the general method of present giving in the Cool household entails going shopping with the purchaser and placing the wanted item in their basket. Perhaps not romantic, but it’s a fool-proof procedure for acquiring theContinue reading “Savvy Book – The Women at Hitler’s Table”

Savvy Book – The Ginger Survival Guide

Please note that this post contains commission-based links to Waterstones. ‘The Ginger Survival Guide’ by Tim Collins. A must have for any redheads bookshelf (and for anyone else’s). Very informative and fully responsible for the confirmation of my long-held belief that, being a ginger myself, I have a beyond-this-ginger-life future carved out for me inContinue reading “Savvy Book – The Ginger Survival Guide”

Savvy Book – The Doll House

The Doll House, by Phoebe Morgan. Picked this book up at Lavenham Literary Festival, after attending a session about How To Get Published by the author. It’s not my usual genre – I tend to prefer literary fiction to popular thrillers. But, following on from the read, I have now eliminated the snob from within. Sure, The DollContinue reading “Savvy Book – The Doll House”

Silly Book – Fairy Tales for Millennials

‘Fairy Tales for Millennials’, by Bruno Vincent. A highly-entertaining read bringing the traditional up to date with the 21st century. The witch who attempts to cook up Gretel has use of an electric blender and a thing about turmeric powder. Cinderella wants to feel in touch with the suffering of the oppressed and, as such,Continue reading “Silly Book – Fairy Tales for Millennials”

Savvy Book – Paris Echo

‘Paris Echo’, by Sebastian Faulks. I’m told that the first sentence is key to writing a bestseller. And, on picking up a copy of Seb’s ‘Paris Echo’, I know this to be true. I read the first sentence: ‘I was taking a pee in the bathroom when I caught sight of myself in the mirror.’ (p.1) Recalling myContinue reading “Savvy Book – Paris Echo”

Savvy Book – My Sister, The Serial Killer

*See disclaimer at foot of post. ‘My Sister, The Serial Killer’, by Oyinkan Braithwaite. Why buy a book duty-bound to give one nightmares? Because it has an attractive cover? Can a nightmare even have an attractive cover? Think about it. What could be more appealing, to a cult-follower of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, than a lime-greenContinue reading “Savvy Book – My Sister, The Serial Killer”

Savvy Book – The Last

Well, I survived! I, Jay Cool, blogger extraordinaire, got to the end of Hanna Jameson’s, dystopian novel,  ‘The Last’ (available at Waterstones) and I’m still here! I’m still here, but I’m pretty certain I won’t be the last to survive to tell the tale. This book is an absolute must-read; I was unable to think about anythingContinue reading “Savvy Book – The Last”

Savvy Book – Melmoth

Sarah Perry’s  ‘Melmoth’. Perry’s latest novel centres around the deceased character of Melmoth, a lady who sweeps in and out of the world of the living, swishing around her black garments, and preying upon the vulnerable, repeatedly failing in her attempts to find a companion with whom she can share her eternal purgatory. Beautifully written,Continue reading “Savvy Book – Melmoth”

Savvy Letter – Dear Top-Notch Editor

                                                                                                             Continue reading “Savvy Letter – Dear Top-Notch Editor”

Savvy Book -The Lost Boy

Not too sure why so many books I’ve picked up recently, have been so full of Hardyesque doom and gloom! What with The Narrow Road … and The Vegetarian, surely the angry Gods up there must think I’ve had my fair share of the no-way-out-of-a-vicious-circle stuff by now? Clearly not! As one whirlpool continues on its descent downwards,Continue reading “Savvy Book -The Lost Boy”